IN PRIVATE de jure
Sovereign Integraal Credit Depository
Sovereign Integraal is a subsidiary to Aotearoha Kawanatanga - The World of Love Governance for Sovereign Sentinel Sentient-Beings of the Holy Ghost spirit of Supreme Creator - The Holy Graal. It is a depository storehouse ad-ministered by elect ambassadors who are chosen guardians of divinity for the divine order and "The Kingdom House of Io" - Te Whare Matamuatanga o Io.
Central Finance & Investments Foundation is a HUB that manages the Sovereign Integraal Credit Depository to secure the fiat currency attached to asset management which will free hue-manity from the debt enslavement of monetary debt instruments. Our credit-euro energy exchange current-see can zero-balance the debt/sin/death ledger caused by fiat currency and corporation corruption of the united nations depopulation agenda and event 201 to eliminate the creditors and steal the wealth of the world.
We are currently in discussions to establish Sovereign CO-OPerative Banking Solutions. Each Sovereign Country having their own Sovereign Banking Systems that we can alliance with to establish an online Global Network to forge international joint ventures trade alliances and credit-based energy exchange solutions.
GAIN2U Matrix and GAIN2U Network will be a key to transitioning from a debt-based society to a credit-based unencumbered society. Our pledge and upgrade, affiliate referral marketing program and advertising support network system can be the global financial reset that we have all been waiting for.
Central Finance & Investments Foundation is a HUB that manages the Sovereign Integraal Credit Depository to secure the fiat currency attached to asset management which will free hue-manity from the debt enslavement of monetary debt instruments. Our credit-euro energy exchange current-see can zero-balance the debt/sin/death ledger caused by fiat currency and corporation corruption of the united nations depopulation agenda and event 201 to eliminate the creditors and steal the wealth of the world.
We are currently in discussions to establish Sovereign CO-OPerative Banking Solutions. Each Sovereign Country having their own Sovereign Banking Systems that we can alliance with to establish an online Global Network to forge international joint ventures trade alliances and credit-based energy exchange solutions.
GAIN2U Matrix and GAIN2U Network will be a key to transitioning from a debt-based society to a credit-based unencumbered society. Our pledge and upgrade, affiliate referral marketing program and advertising support network system can be the global financial reset that we have all been waiting for.